Know the Top Remunerative Careers in New Zealand

New Zealand is an amazing country to live and work, which is without a question. It is one of the most picturesque country, with a beautiful, rugged landscapes, friendly attitude and a very outstanding scenery. The country has been rated as one of the best places to work, with one of the highest salaries across various industries. No wonder, people are relocating from different countries, like India, China, United Kingdom, Philippines in droves. As of today, majority of local Kiwis and immigrants say, they are really enjoying working in the nation, with a phenomenal work life balance.

Although New Zealand is not a very industrialized country, as compared to some other nations like the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, China and Singapore, the population is very low with only five million people. In fact, the no of sheep is much more than no of people, in the nation. So, competition for existing jobs is much less as compared to other countries. For example, on an average, there are five to ten applicants for a single position in other nations, while the ratio is around three applicant for a single position, in the land of the Kiwis. So, people with less experience and fresher’s, find it much easier to secure their first job and their internship.

Americans love working in the land of the Kiwis, since they get free healthcare, which is a dream, for many of them, back home. Another big advantage of working in this beautiful country, is that English is the lingua franca of the nation. English is the official language in New Zealand and it is one of the most attractive places, for workers and professionals hailing from English speaking nations, who are applying for Jobs in New Zealand. So, now let us list some of the most attractive careers in New Zealand, which people love to pursue.

1. Legal Jobs

Law as a career is one of the most exciting propositions, for both local graduates and international expatriates in New Zealand. Since, New Zealand was a British colony and a member of the Commonwealth, so, the legal system is very similar to that of the United Kingdom. Among law, there is a huge demand for barristers, qualified lawyers with very lucrative careers in financial law and tax law. For all those international lawyers, coming to New Zealand, they are admitted to the payroll of lawyers and solicitors of the New Zealand High Court. The lawyer must also hold a current practising certificate, from the New Zealand Law Society. Some foreign lawyers also may have to appear in an examination. The average income, for a lawyer is more than one hundred and twenty thousand New Zealand dollars. This is also applicable to all the legal Jobs in Plymouth.

2. Management Consultant

Management consultants earn a very good income in the land of the Kiwis, on an average more than one lakh New Zealand dollars. People will be delighted to know, that even fresh graduates and young people can earn fifty thousand New Zealand dollars and can up to two lakh New Zealand dollars, as they gain more experience. For those of people, who have New Zealand experience, and wish to work overseas, they need to register with the Institute of Management Consultants New Zealand ( IMCNZ ). The professionals need to apply for Certified Management Consultant ( CMC ), which has an international recognition.

3. Construction Manager

One of the booming industries in New Zealand, which is also reflected in New Plymouth Jobs, is construction. Construction industry is showing tremendous growth, which is reflected in the remuneration of the construction managers. On an average, construction managers get more than hundred thousand New Zealand dollars, since, there are lots of construction projects, initiated by the government and public sector which will last till next year. In the land of the Kiwis, a degree is not essential for getting an entry into construction management, but experience is essential. The individual must have a preferable background into Surveying, Civil Engineering, or a diploma in Construction Management. This is one of the most exciting careers which will come up in the future.

4. Software Engineer and Tech developer.

Software Engineer and Tech Developer is perhaps the most exciting career in New Zealand now. It is perhaps, the profession, which nearly ninety percent of youngsters wish to enter. Nearly, all the global IT companies like IBM, Accenture, Price Waterhouse Coopers, and Deloitte have their huge development centres in the country and employing hundreds of professionals. Even many Indian IT giants like Tata Consultancy Services, HCL Technologies, and Wipro Technologies have their development offices in the nation, where lots of Kiwis and international graduates are working. They get on an average compensation of 112000 New Zealand Dollars.

5. Oil and petroleum engineer.

Petroleum engineering is also a very upcoming field in New Zealand, in which there are lots of opportunities, which are coming up. Many oil fields have been currently discovered in the coasts of New Zealand like Taranaki Basin, on the island’s western coast. Besides, this there are lots of offshore areas for exploration, located at the Gisborne and Canterbury coast. Petroleum engineers must use their knowledge of oil, gas and water, for checking and observing the potential drilling sites. In New Zealand, on an average, a petroleum engineer earns around one hundred and twenty thousand New Zealand dollars every year, a very good income.

6. Accountants

Accountants are one of the all-time favourite careers for Kiwis for generations. Many accountants apart from doing conventional roles in companies are going in for consulting and financial management roles, majority of which land them in top corporate positions. The basic qualification required for joining accountancy career is that, the program must be authorised by the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants ( NZICA). Alternatively, Kiwi employers also recognize the qualifications given by CPA Australia. An accountant with decent qualifications and experience can expect to earn around a hundred and twenty thousand New Zealand dollars per year.

Final words
In this article, readers will get adequate information as to the most remunerative careers in New Zealand. They will also get a very good information about the average compensation in each of these fields.

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Careers in Education Other Than Teaching

The careers in education go far beyond teaching and administration. Find out about the other lesser known, but great, education career opportunities.

The field of education offers many career opportunities that people may not be aware of. Teaching, counseling and administration careers are well known, as are many support staff positions. However, many of the best education careers are not as well-known, even though they are essential to education.

The Mandates for Specialized Educational Jobs
Most of the other jobs in education provide assignment writing help and other services to students who are struggling in one or more subjects, or they provide services to students with disabilities who require specialized instructional supports. Many of those positions provide services that are required by law for students with special needs.

The No Child Left Behind Law requires schools to provide intensive instructional supports to students to ensure they reach mastery levels of instructional content and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires schools to provide necessary instructional supports to students with disabilities. Additionally, schools are required to address the social, emotional, and behavioral needs and progress of students, as well as the academic needs.

The result is that there are many job positions that help to support those legal mandates. Some are even required by law. For example, a diagnosis of certain special education disabilities, such as learning disabilities or emotional disturbance, requires the employment of a person with a specialized license or certificate. Therefore, some of those jobs, while they may have lengthier education requirements, are legally required for schools.

Careers in Education: Instructional Support Positions
Reading specialists help to provide intensive reading interventions to struggling students and students with dyslexia.
Speech Therapists provide intensive speech and language instruction and interventions to students in special education who qualify as having a disability in that area.
Other Jobs and Careers in Education
Technology Specialists help make sure schools have technology that works correctly and helps to support instruction. They may also train staff on the use of technology.
School Psychology careers involve conducting evaluations, helping to design programs, and providing behavioral interventions and counseling. School psychologists have a state issued license that requires an advanced degree.
Diagnostic Services require a certificate or license. The person providing diagnostic services may be called a diagnostician, psychometrist, or a similar term in different states. They evaluate for and diagnose learning and other types of disabilities for Special education. This position usually requires prior teaching experience.
Occupational Therapists provide therapy related to fine motor skills and sensory based needs to students in special education who qualify. This position usually requires and advanced degree.

Physical Therapists typically have a doctorate, although, physical therapy assistants can work with a lower level degree. Physical therapy is a related service that schools are required to provide to students in special education who qualify for it.
Assistive Technology Specialists provide required assistive technology supports for students with special needs. Those supports include hearing, vision, custom writing, and other supports.
While auto mechanics may seem to be totally unrelated to education, transportation is a big part of education and school buses require mechanics. Schools employ mechanics as part of their transportation departments.
Employment in Education
Education can be a great field of employment for many jobs and careers. While schools may struggle financially, they will never go out of business and, because they are state run, benefits are dependable. For those who are interested in education, but not necessarily wanting to be a traditional classroom teacher, there are many other career options in education to consider.